Pitu guli biography of barack

    Are vlachs slavs

Pitu Guli is a national hero in North Macedonia and Bulgaria, and remembered as having fought heroically at Mečkin Kamen (Bear's Rock) near Kruševo, where he was killed during the Ilinden Uprising in defense of the Macedonian Kruševo Republic. [1].

Aromanians in romania

  • Питу Гули ( — 12 август ) — македонски револуционер со влашко потекло, учесник во македонското револуционерно движење, член и војвода на Македонската револуционерна организација. Современици сведочат дека Питу Гули имал завршено само две одделенија основно училиште и дека во младоста бил овчар, крчмар, гостилничар, заточеник и комита.
  • Vlachs in albania

    Pitu Guli, of Vlach origin, was born in Krushevo in This monument dedicated to him and to the battle is located about four kilometers south of Krushevo just off of route R Another monument built in honor of the uprising is the Ilinden Monument (Makedonium).


    Who was Pitu Guli? Pitu Guli was an Aromanian revolutionary in Ottoman Macedonia, a local leader of what is commonly referred to as the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization.

    Aromanian alphabet

    Во издание на Здружението за уметност и култура „Дијалог“ од Скопје, излезе од печат монографија за Питу Гули, историографски труд од познатиот македонски писател и публицист Кочо Топузоски.

    Vlachs map

      Pitu Guli is a national hero in North Macedonia and Bulgaria, and remembered as having fought heroically at Mečkin Kamen (Bear's Rock) near Kruševo, where he was killed during the Ilinden Uprising in defense of the Macedonian Kruševo Republic.
  • Pitu Guli sacrificed his life for the ultimate cause - an independent Macedonia.
  • Pitu Guli is a national hero in North Macedonia and Bulgaria, and remembered as having fought heroically at Mečkin Kamen (Bear's Rock) near Kruševo, where he was killed during the Ilinden Uprising in defense of the Macedonian Kruševo Republic. [1].
  • an ethnic group native to the southern Balkans who speak Aromanian, an Eastern Romance language.
  • Kruševski narodnooslobodilački partizanski odred „Pitu Guli“ formiran je 16. aprila 1942. godine, [1] u mestu zvanom Grujova niva, na planini Osoj.Formiranju odreda prisustvovali su pripadnici Pokrajinskog štaba Narodnooslobodilačke vojske i partizanskih odreda Makedonije Trajko Boškoski - Tarcan, Kiro Krsteski - Platnik i Trajan Belev - Goce, kao i članovi partijske organizacije iz.
  • Вмро
  • Imro macedonia

    Pitu Guli was an Aromanian revolutionary in Ottoman Macedonia, a local leader of what is commonly referred to as the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO).
  • Монографија за Питу Гули од Кочо Топузоски - МКД.МК Pitu Guli and his 370 revolutionaries were the last barrier on Mechkin Kamen on the 13-th of August 1903. They fought bravely and all to the last died to defend the Republic. The end of this battle at Mechkin Kamen symbolizes the end of the Republic.
  • pitu guli biography of barack4 Mečkin Kamen – Мечкин Камен – Mechkin Kamen. This monument located on a hill named Mechkin Kamen (The Bear’s Stone) is dedicated to the gallant and heroic efforts of Pitu Guli and his men during the famous Battle of Mečkin Kamen (битка кај Мечкин Камен).
  • Kruševski partizanski odred — Википедија Duke Pitu Guli died heroically in this legendary battle, with almost his entire insurgent company fighting bravely against the stronger opponent – Bakhtiar Pasha’s army and the Bashibozuk. A monument was built on this site in honour of Pitu Guli and his insurgent company who bravely fought for the Krushevo Republic.

  • Aromanian religion

    Pitu Guli is a national hero in North Macedonia and Bulgaria, and remembered as having fought heroically at Mečkin Kamen (Bear's Rock) near Kruševo, where he was killed during the Ilinden Uprising in defense of the Macedonian Kruševo Republic. [1].

  • pitu guli biography of barack

  • Aromanians in romania