Te ua haumene biography of christopher


    Te Ua Haumēne was the founder and prophet of the Hauhau church, the first organised expression of an independent Māori Christianity. He was born into the Taranaki tribe at Waiaua, in South Taranaki, in the early s.

  • Te Ua Haumene was the prophet and founder of Pai Mārire, which was the first expression of an independent Maori Christianity.
  • Te Ua Haumēne was the founder and prophet of the Hauhau church, the first organised expression of an independent Māori Christianity. He was born into the Taranaki tribe at Waiaua, in South Taranaki, in the early 1820s. His father, who died shortly after, was Tūtawake, and his mother, Paihaka. Te Ua was probably married and had at least one son.
  • Te Ua Haumene was a New Zealand Māori religious leader during the 1860s who founded the Pai. Mārire movement and church, which he considered to be Christianity.
  • Te Ua Haumēne was a New Zealand Māori religious leader during the 1860s. He founded the Pai Mārire movement, which became hostile and engaged in military conflict against the New Zealand government during the Second Taranaki War and the East Cape War.

  • Te Ua Haumēne - New Zealand History He fought against the government after the Taranaki war broke out in 1860, becoming a strong supporter of the Māori King movement. Te Ua later baptised the second Māori King – giving him the name Tāwhiao. In 1862 Te Ua had a vision in which the archangel Gabriel instructed him to lead his people in 'casting off the yoke of the Pākehā'.
  • Pai Mārire - Wikipedia Nō Tīhema 1864, ka whakahaungia e Te Ua a Pātara Raukatauri rāua ko Kereopa Te Rau kia haere ki a Hirini Te Kani o Ngāti Porou i Tūranga (Gisborne). I takahia e rāua ngā tohutohu a Te Ua kia haere i runga i te rangimārie, kātahi ka taki haere rāua mā te tuaiwiroa o Te Ika-a-Māui me te whakawhawhai i ngā iwi tae atu ki ngā mihingare.
  • Te Ua Haumene | Dictionary of NZ Biography TE UA HAUMENE, or HOROPAPERA, the founder of the Pai-marire religion, belonged to the Taranaki tribe. Born at Waiaua, the son of Tutawake and Paihaka, he was called 'Te Ua Tuwhakararo'. He was an infant when his father died, and at the age of three he was captured with his mother at the fall of the pa of Rimupiko and carried off to Kawhia.

  • Story: te Ua, Hetekia Te Kani-ā-Takirau Kerekere Tūhoe

    Te Ua Haumēne was a New Zealand Māori religious leader during the s. He founded the Pai Mārire movement, which became hostile and engaged in military conflict against the New Zealand government during the Second Taranaki War and the East Cape War. Born at Waiaua, South Taranaki, in the early s, Te Ua was of the Taranaki iwi (tribe).

    File:Te Ua Haumene (ca. 1922).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

    Ko Te Ua Haumēne te kaihanga me te poropiti o te whakapono Hauhau, ko te tohu tuatahi tēnei o te waihangatanga i huri ai ki te hāhi Karaitiana Māori motuhake. I whānau ia i roto o te iwi o Taranaki i Waiaua, kei Taranaki ki te tonga, i ngā tau tīmatanga o te te tekau tau atu i
  • te ua haumene biography of christopher

  • Te Ua Haumēne – Dictionary of New Zealand Biography – Te Ara

  • Te Ua Haumēne - Wikipedia

    He called his church Hauhau because Te Hau, the spirit of God in the image of wind, carried the niu (news) or prophecy to the faithful. Te Ua considered his teaching to be Christianity ‘purified of missionary error’. In Te Ua took the spiritual name Haumēne or ‘wind man’.

      Links and sources – Te Ua Haumēne – Te Ara Encyclopedia of ...

    Te Ua Haumene (Horopapera) TE UA HAUMENE, or HOROPAPERA, the founder of the Pai-marire religion, belonged to the Taranaki tribe. Born at Waiaua, the son of Tutawake and Paihaka, he was called 'Te Ua Tuwhakararo'.

    Te Ua Haumēne – Dictionary of New Zealand Biography – Te Ara

  • Te Ua Haumēne was influenced by Christian missionaries following his capture by Waikato Māori in He was taught to read and write in Māori and became familiar with the New Testament, especially the Book of Revelation.
  • Te Ua Haumene | Maori leader | Britannica

    The movement was founded by Te Ua Haumene, a Maori prophet who had been captured in his youth and converted to Christianity before his release. Like most other Maori, he was opposed to the sale of Maori land, and he joined the Maori King Movement.