Vijayta Pandit, who made her debut in Love Story () alongside Kumar Gaurav, recently opened up about their real-life romance. Who is Vijeta Deol? Vijeta Deol is a member of the popular “Deol” family. She is the elder daughter of actor Dharmendra, who had two marriages; Vijayta is Dharmendra’s daughter from his first wife, Parkash Kaur. She is the sister of Bollywood actors Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol.
It's a long interview but you won't get bored. Vijeta Deol also known as Vijayta Deol is the eldest daughter of actor Dharmendra and Parkash Kaur. Dharmendra's production company "Vijayta Films" is named after her. She was born on June 21,1962 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She has 2 brothers Sunny Deol & Bobby Deol and a sister Ajeeta Deol.
Vijeta deol age
Vijeta Deol also known as Vijayta Deol is the eldest daughter of actor Dharmendra and Parkash Kaur. Dharmendra's production company "Vijayta Films" is named after her. She was born on June 21, in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She has 2 brothers Sunny Deol & Bobby Deol and a sister Ajeeta Deol. Vijeta Deol Age, Biography, Family, Brother & More Vijayta Deol is her real name and her nickname is lally. She was born on the 21st of June 1962 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She is famous for being the Daughter of famous Bollywood actor Dharmendra or as the sister of famous Bollywood Actor Sunny Deol. Must Read.Vijeta Deol (Dharmendra’s daughter) - Bollywood Biography Vijeta Deol is the eldest child of actor Dharmendra. This article discusses her Age, Husband, Siblings, and other aspects of her life.Lesser Known Facts About Dharmendra’s Daughters ... - News18 Well, Dharmendra’s production company is named after Vijeta Deol, Vijeta Production Private Limited. She is married to Vivek Gill, and they have a daughter and a son. Vijeta is also the. Sunny deol mother
Who is Vijeta Deol? Vijeta Deol is a member of the popular “Deol” family. She is the elder daughter of actor Dharmendra, who had two marriages; Vijayta is Dharmendra’s daughter from his first wife, Parkash Kaur. She is the sister of Bollywood actors Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol.
Meet Ajeeta Deol, Vijeita Deol, lesser-known daughters of ...
Vijeta Deol is the eldest child of actor Dharmendra. This article discusses her Age, Husband, Siblings, and other aspects of her life. Who is Esha Deol? Age, Husband, Biography, Net Worth, Movies ...
Vijayta Deol is her real name and her nickname is lally. She was born on the 21st of June in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She is famous for being the Daughter of famous Bollywood actor Dharmendra or as the sister of famous Bollywood Actor Sunny Deol. Must Read. Vijeta Deol: Bio, Age, Family, Husband, Business Career, And ...
Meet Ajeeta Deol, Vijeita Deol, lesser-known daughters of Dharmendra, sisters of Bollywood stars Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol. Dharmendra has married twice and he has four children from his first wife Prakash Kaur, namely Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol, Ajeeta and Vijeta Deol. Vijeta Deol and Ajeita Deol are the daughters of 60 years ...
After Dharmendra Singh Deol and Hema Malini, Sunny Deol is the most famous member of the family. Just like his father sunny is also a famous actor, director, producer and he has also joined politics in the year
Bobby Deol's sister Vijeta and Ajeita make a rare appearance ...
Ajeita Deol is a psychology teacher at a school in the USA. Her nickname is Dolly, and she is married to an Indian-American dentist named Kiran Chaudhary. After her marriage, she shifted to California with her husband.