Autobiography anthropology

Coda in: Anthropological Journal of European Cultures Volume ...

The year marks the 30th anniversary of the release of Helen Callaway and Judith Okely's edited anthology Anthropology and Autobiography. During that generational span, which roughly mirrors the life history of this journal, the book has had far-reaching influences, anchoring a legacy that few such conference collections can imagine for.

(PDF) Autobiography, Anthropology -

  • The book Anthropology and Autobiography, which I co-edited with the now late Helen Callaway, has an extended early history before its completion, drawing on what was once declared highly controversial, indeed unpublishable.

  • Autobiography, Anthropology and - Okely - Major Reference ...

      Anthropology and Autobiography provides unique insights into the fieldwork, autobiographical materials and/or textual critiques of anthropologists, many of whose ethnographies are already familiar.
  • Anthropology and Autobiography provides unique insights into the fieldwork, autobiographical materials and/or textual critiques of anthropologists.
  • The year 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the release of Helen Callaway and Judith Okely's edited anthology Anthropology and Autobiography. During that generational span, which roughly mirrors the life history of this journal, the book has had far-reaching influences, anchoring a legacy that few such conference collections can imagine for.
  • Anthropology and autobiography will appeal to students and teachers in the social sciences, especially those interested in ethnographical approaches to the.
  • The book Anthropology and Autobiography, which I co-edited with the now late Helen Callaway, has an extended early history before its completion, drawing on what was once declared highly controversial, indeed unpublishable.
  • A personal historical recollection in Anthropological Journal of European Cultures.
  • Anthropology and Autobiography provides unique insights into the fieldwork, autobiographical materials and/or textual critiques of anthropologists, many of whose ethnographies are already familiar.
  • autobiography anthropology

  • (PDF) Autobiography, Anthropology and - ResearchGate

    A written account of the self as autobiography in anthropology can be created either by the researcher/outsider or by an individual member of a group studied by an anthropologist. Both types of autobiography were initially sidelined in the history of the discipline but are open to greater attention.

  • Anthropology and Autobiography - Google Books Life-Histories: Lives: An Anthropological Approach to Biography. L. Langness and Gelya Frank: Life Histories and Psychobiography: Explorations in Theory and Method.
  • Autobiography, Anthropology: A Personal - ProQuest The year 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the release of Helen Callaway and Judith Okely’s edited anthology Anthropology and Autobiography. During that generational span, which roughly mirrors the life history of this journal, the book has had.
  • Anthropology and Autobiography | Judith Okely, Helen Callaway ... This recollection on the theme ’‘Anthropology and Autobiography’’ traces the successful 1987 vote for the 1989 conference proposed by myself with Helen Callaway. Before the vote, there were many negative comments claiming our proposal was mere ‘navel -gazing’ and a ‘feminist plot’.

  • (PDF) Autobiography, Anthropology -
    1. Biological Anthropology - University of Washington

    Life-Histories: Lives: An Anthropological Approach to Biography. L. Langness and Gelya Frank: Life Histories and Psychobiography: Explorations in Theory and Method.

    Autobiography, Anthropology in: Anthropological Journal of ...

    Anthropology and autobiography will appeal to students and teachers in the social sciences, especially those interested in ethnographical approaches to the self, reflexivity, ‘qualitative’ methodology, and the production of texts.

    Life‐Histories: Lives: An Anthropological Approach to ...

    This recollection on the theme ’‘Anthropology and Autobiography’’ traces the successful vote for the conference proposed by myself with Helen Callaway. Before the vote, there were many negative comments claiming our proposal was mere ‘navel -gazing’ and a ‘feminist plot’.