19th of april movement
Pedro Antonio Marín Marín ([disputed] [2] – 26 March ), known by his "nom de guerre" Manuel Marulanda Vélez, was the founder and main leader of the Marxist–Leninist FARC-EP ("Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo"). Farc peace deal
Manuel Marulanda Vélez [Tirofijo] (Pedro Antonio Marín y Marín; Génova, - Meta, ) Guerrillero colombiano, fundador y máximo responsable de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC). Death of mythic guerrilla commander confirmed in Colombia Eventually, Marulanda split with some of his relatives and became part of a column of guerrilla fighters that came under the influence of the Communist Party of Colombia, which developed a more proactive role in the fighting, executing more raids and offensive operations. He took on the name "Manuel Marulanda" in honor of a murdered union leader.Manuel Marulanda Vélez - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre No obstante, Marulanda firmó con el presidente Belisario Betancur un primer acuerdo para el cese de hostilidades y la creación de la Unión Patriótica como vitrina política de las FARC (28 de mayo de 1984), para competir en la vida política. La cara del legendario guerrillero fue desvelada por una fotografía en la famosa Casa Verde.Manuel Marulanda Vélez - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure Pedro Antonio MARIN, also known as "Manuel MARULANDA-Velez," also known as "Tirofijo," was the founder of the FARC and Head of Secretariat, and as such was responsible for overseeing all meetings of the Secretariat and Estado Mayor. He was the ultimate decision maker who decided to approve the FARC’s expanded efforts into cocaine trafficking. Operation checkmate breakpoint
Pedro Antonio Marín, () known by his pseudonym, Manuel Marulanda Vélez, and nicknamed by his comrades " Tirofijo " (English: Sureshot), apparently because of a reputed ability to accurately aim firearms. He was the main leader of the FARC -EP (" Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejército del Pueblo "). Why was farc created
Fundador y líder de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia. Manuel Marulanda Vélez nació el 13 de mayo de en Génova, Colombia. Hijo de Rosa Delia Rodríguez y Pedro Pablo Marín Quinceno. Hermano de Rosa Helena, Jesús Antonio, Obdulia y Rosa María. Is farc good or bad
Pedro Antonio MARIN, also known as "Manuel MARULANDA-Velez," also known as "Tirofijo," was the founder of the FARC and Head of Secretariat, and as such was responsible for overseeing all meetings of the Secretariat and Estado Mayor.
Pedro Antonio Marin was born in 1928 but it was under the pseudonym of Manuel Marulanda that he became the legendary Tirofijo('Dead Shot'), noted for his keen. Posteriormente tomó el nombre de Manuel Marulanda Vélez en honor a un dirigente sindicalista comunista asesinado en 1950. En 1964, cofundó junto a Jacobo Arenas la guerrilla Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) perteneciendo a su órgano directivo desde la fundación hasta su muerte.
Mr. Pedro Antonio Marín, (1930-2008) known by his pseudonym, Manuel Marulanda Vélez, and nicknamed by his comrades "Tirofijo" (English: Sureshot), apparently because of a reputed ability to accurately aim firearms. He was the main leader of the FARC-EP ("Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejército del Pueblo").
He earned a master's degree in public administration from Harvard University (1981) before returning to Colombia to work as an editor at El Tiempo, where his. Pedro Antonio MARIN, also known as "Manuel MARULANDA-Velez," also known as "Tirofijo," is the founder of the FARC and Head of Secretariat, and as such is responsible for overseeing all meetings of the Secretariat and Estado Mayor. He is the ultimate decision maker who decided to approve the FARC’s expanded efforts into cocaine trafficking and.
Eln, colombia
CARACAS — Manuel Marulanda, the guerrilla tactician who rose from peasant origins to become the top commander of Latin America's largest rebel group, died March 26 in a mountain hide-out in. Farc leader
Pedro Antonio Marín Marín, coñecido polos seus alias de Manuel Marulanda Vélez e Tirofijo, nado en Génova, Quindío o 13 de maio de , e finado en Meta o 26 de marzo de , foi un campesiño e guerrilleiro comunista colombiano, [1] considerado como o máis veterano do mundo e do seu tempo. What does farc stand for
MARULANDA VÉLEZ, Manuel (La Ceja, Antioquia, Colombia – Bogotá, Colombia, 25/01/). Albañil, concejal de Medellín (suplente), miembro del Comité Central del Partido Comunista, presidente de la Federación de Trabajadores de Cundinamarca y miembro de la dirección de la Confederación de Trabajadores de Colombia.